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Funding Auckland’s Transport Network

News story
Thursday 12 Apr 2012

Auckland Council’s Business Advisory Panel, of which HOTCity CEO Alex Swney is a member, has voiced a single preference on the 10 proposed alternative transport funding options that have been out for public consultation to help fund transport development including the proposed central city rail loop.

The 10 alternative transport funding options out for consultation in the ‘Getting Auckland Moving - Alternative Funding for Transport’ document were: General rates, targeted rates, development contributions, tax increment financing, new regional fuel tax and road user charge/diesel levy, tolling new roads, road pricing on existing roads, additional car parking charges, visitor taxes, and an airport departure tax.

The Panel has resolved to support in principle the option of ‘network charging’ across the Auckland motorway system, wherein road users may face fees to use certain roads, with variable pricing at peak and non-peak times.

Chair of the Business Advisory Panel, Cameron Brewer, says the network charging option seems to be gaining momentum from the business sector as arguably the fairest, the most likely one to generate significant revenue to close the $11.7b transport funding gap, influence driver behaviour, and improve Auckland's economic performance.

"After looking at the 10 options the Panel’s preference is decisive and singular, and we trust we’ll be heard. We appreciate that a network charge would cost most Aucklanders a few dollars a week, but doing nothing costs the region at least $1.3b every year in wasted time, productivity and fuel,” says Mr Brewer.