HOTCity Members Workshop
Robert Gibbs is considered one of the foremost Urban Retail Design Specialist in America. For more than two decades, his expertise has been sought by some of the most respected mayors, renowned architects, and successful real-estate developers in the USA.
As part of the AUCKLAND CONVERSATIONS Series, we are pleased to announced that we have secured an exclusive workshop with Heart of the City Members. The discussion will focus on New trends and Techniques in Urban Retail Planning, how Mainstreets can learn from the Mall, and examples of how overseas Retail Precincts have been successfully revitalised. We hope that the workshop will be thought provoking, and bring new ideas for greater success to Central City Retail.
Workshop Details
Places are strictly limited, and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, so get in quick!
- Date and Time: Wednesday, 21 March, 9.00 to 11.30am
- Cost: Free
- Location: CBD
- RSVP: By Friday 9 March on09 379 8000, or by email
The Workshop is restricted to HOTCity members only, so when you RSVP please let us know your business and location details.
Some Background on Robert Gibbs
Robert has been profiled in The New York Times,The Wall Street Journal,andUrban Land: Gibbs has commercial sensibility unlike anything possessed by the urban planners who usually design downtown-renewal efforts.” He is also a recognized leader in the New Urbanism, having pioneered the implementation of its environmentally sustainable principles of Traditional Town Planning and Smart Growth as an antidote to the formless, wasteful sprawl of suburbia
For the past 25 years, Robert has been active in developing innovative yet practical methods for applying modern trends in commercial development to more than 300 town centers and historic cities here and abroad.
Before establishing the Gibbs Planning Group in 1988, he gained invaluable expertise in retail planning by advising shopping center developers on the psychology of commerce—the practical science of analyzing and adjusting all elements known to affect a shopper's mood in the marketplace. From this experience, Robert distilled the fundamental retail and merchandising principles for reviving retail in moribund downtowns and for instilling successful commerce in new ones.