Christmas Windows 2021 winners Jewellers Workshop discuss their inspiration and advice

The Pōhutukawa - Aotearoa’s own Christmas tree – was the inspiration for the Jewellers Workshop’s winning entry for the 2021 Christmas Windows competition.
As a retail business, Christmas is an important time for Jewellers Workshop, but Design Consultant – and creator of their winning design - Caroline Moore says “there really is more to it than that. We have so many lovely interactions with customers buying special pieces for loved ones; pieces they will hopefully treasure forever. We also really love the vibe of the city during the Christmas period - there are more people about, all the decorations are up and there's an upbeat atmosphere.”
The decision to enter the Christmas Windows competition was simply because “we love having fun with our window displays!” says Caroline. “We're a creative bunch, and really enjoy showcasing the beautiful jewellery we make. Adding a competition element was further inspiration for getting the creative juices flowing!”
Starting with the idea of a jewellery tree with a festive twist, Caroline was keen to “[make] the jewellery shine rather than any decorations, so I went for really natural materials.”
Created using dried and painted Pōhutukawa branches and leaves, handmade flowers created from crepe paper, brushwood bird decorations and jewellery “with a festive feel” was then draped in the branches and nests.

It was a great example of a creative idea and simple materials making a massive impact. The judges described the window as “striking, with intricately crafted details [that] match the product on display – a contemporary, eco-friendly approach that conveys a classic Aotearoa Christmas.”
Caroline encourages other businesses to “get involved” and enter the Christmas windows competition. “It’s a great excuse to get crafty while adding some fun and festivity to the city streets.”

Want to get involved? Enter our 2022 Christmas Windows competition!
Street-front retail businesses with a window visible to the public are invited to take part in our annual Christmas Windows competition.
$9,000 worth of prizes will be on offer, and we'd love retailers to take part in bringing the Christmas cheer this year. Terms and conditions are available here.
Registrations are now open and will close at 5 pm, Friday 2 December.
To register, please fill out the form (link above) and email 1 - 3 photos to by 5 pm, Friday 2 December 2022. Alternatively, you can email your business name and photos to the email above.